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Farming Support Service

Collaborating with farmers and landowners to restore rivers and landscapes, balancing thriving agriculture with healthy water environments.

To restore our rivers to good health we need to look beyond the river itself and work across the surrounding landscape. Our approach to this is to collaborate with farmers and landowners to create the most appropriate and viable enhancements possible, from small scale interventions to large scale wetlands, the control of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS), re-wiggling river channels, and establishing functional buffer strips. We do not believe that it is a choice between healthy environments or food production, but that sensitive and considered landscape enhancements can deliver both.

We are committed to finding solutions to the climate and ecological crises affecting our water environments in a way which works for those who own and/orbmanage the land for agriculture. Our experience has shown that these two critical components of our landscape (farming and functional habitats) should not be considered as separate entities but as one ambition to have a thriving agricultural sector alongside high quality, and clean, rivers and wetlands.

We encourage all those who own land near watercourses to take advantage of our free farm visits and advice. We have an extensive knowledge of the catchment and of funding mechanisms enabling us to support landowners and farmers across the following areas.

  • River Restoration and Enhancement

  • Riparian and Floodplain Corridor Management

  • Water Quality Improvements

  • Agricultural water resilience (rainwater harvesting, on-farm water storage)

  • Biodiversity Net Gain and Environmental Stewardship

This broad knowledge allows us to develop options which consider a catchment-based approach to enhancing the landscape along with the economic requirements of those whose passion and livelihoods are entwined with agricultural productivity.

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