The Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust has grown from the local community and remains committed to providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to get involved with our work, connect with nature, become more aware, and ultimately have the ability and confidence to be part of the solution. We recognise that our ongoing success is achieved through our supporters and their assistance through time, knowledge and donations are critical to our ongoing success.
Therefore, we commit to providing high quality opportunities, advice, and action to the catchment communities and those beyond, ensuring that we build long term relationships for the benefit of all across our catchment.
Our Aims
We aim to create stronger, meaningful and productive connections across the following target groups.
Landowners and Managers
Cluster Farms
Nature Recovery & River Interest Groups
Local Authorities and Parish Councils
Academic Institutions
Local Businesses
We will achieve this through activities and events, providing advice, consulting on emerging plans and expanding our existing community activities.
Our Priorities
Expand our network of Citizen Science programmes across the catchment focusing on
Riverfly Monitoring
Smart Rivers Programmes
Sea Trout Population Monitoring
Monitoring Invasive Non-Native Species
Develop our Education & Training Activities (student field courses, school assemblies, training courses, John Muir Awards).
Organise and host a Sussex River Summit, seeking to bring experts and communities together in delivering solutions.
Expand our River Rangers programme across the catchment, providing a wider range of activities and launching our Junior River Rangers programme