Our Work
Our Mission
Rivers provide a wide range of benefits and are a vital resource in the landscape. They provide habitats suitable for a diverse range of wildlife and recreational opportunities for the communities surrounding them. Whether canoeing down the river, walking along their banks or enjoying a quiet spot of fishing, these rivers are thought provoking and inspirational.
Like most of those across the country, these two rivers suffer from historic and contemporary pressures which amount to a lack of in and out of channel habitat, barriers to species migration, poor water quality and a lack of resilience against future climate change.
Our work seeks to address these pressures and concerns through delivering projects which enhance the river systems at both a local and wider landscape scale. From small scale interventions to large engineering schemes our focus is on improving the water environment for wildlife and people.

Our Approach
We are strong supporters of partnership working and ensuring that any river enhancement we undertaken delivers the maximum benefit in that location. Wherever possible we use existing data and evidence to plan our work and we spend a lot of time collecting our own data on the health of our rivers, ensuring that we form relevant and focused projects which address the problems on the ground. However, as we firmly believe that doing nothing is the biggest threat to our natural world, where data is unavailable or incomplete we take a risk-based approach, that is to say that providing the risks are low we will move forward with delivering improvements.
Find out more about the work we do and see some of our previous projects by selecting your area of interest below
The Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust
OART is a membership based organisation dedicated to the environmental protection and enhancement of the Sussex River Ouse and Adur including their tributaries, estuaries and still waters.
Contact us at info@oart.org.uk

The Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust (OART) is a registered charity (No: 1082447) formed in 2011 from the amalgamation of two long-standing local organisations, the River Adur Conservation Society and Sussex Ouse Conservation Society.