Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved and help us to protect and enhance your local rivers
As a small charity we receive no direct or guaranteed funding and our activities and projects are delivered through our membership scheme, donations and successful applications for grant funding. However, it is only the support of our members, donors and volunteers that enables us to maintain the diversity and extent of the work we do.

Without our team of dedicated volunteers our work would be a lot harder and less successful. They provide crucial support in delivering projects as well as undertaking the monitoring and data collection we need to make good decisions.
We are an inclusive Trust and there are activities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. All and any help is welcome. We provide all the equipment and training you need along with seriously delicious cakes and biscuits and, of course, tea.
To stay informed, email us at and we will add you to our mailing list which will give you plenty of notice of upcoming activities.
Become a Trustee
If you are passionate about protecting the environment and want to make a difference in your community, we encourage you to apply to become a trustee and help us preserve this precious resource for future generations.
We are looking for people with diverse perspectives, so we welcome people with no experience of being a trustee, or lots!
To find out more download our Trustee Recruitment Pack and application form.
Our work is always changing but as an idea,
here are some of the things you can get involved in
If this sounds interesting and you would like to get involved then send an email to and we will keep you informed of upcoming events. If you haven’t got the time to volunteer but would still like to contribute, why not become a member of the Trust?

Tree planting
We love planting trees as they provide so many benefits, from shading the river and filtering pollution to reducing flood risk and storing carbon. We plant a lot of trees and this is one of our most popular activities.

Brushwood Bundles
We are always looking at ways we can recycle and reuse materials, so whenever woody material is available we mobilise to create our own brushwood bundles which we use for erosion control and other habitat creation projects.

Erosion Control
Sinking posts into the bed of the river and weaving brushwood bundles. These “berms” quickly fill with silt, creating habitat and preventing further erosion. A great activity which improves the flow dynamics of the river.

River Clean Ups
It’s amazing what you find! Our rivers are full of plastic and other debris from the surrounding area, every year we organize river cleans ups and spend a few hours transforming litter filled channels back to what they should be.

Invasive Species Control
From “bashing” Himalayan balsam to control of Parrots feather we are always trying to eliminate and control the spread of invasive species across the catchment – a few hours of work produces immensely satisfying results.

River Monitoring
We always need help with our water testing, collecting samples for our chemical analysis or getting involved with our biological (invertebrate) monitoring these are vital elements of our work.

Site Maintenance
Once a project has been delivered we never just walk away and leave it. We regularly revisit projects and our volunteers help us to keep them clean and undertake basic onsite management as required.
The Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust
OART is a membership based organisation dedicated to the environmental protection and enhancement of the Sussex River Ouse and Adur including their tributaries, estuaries and still waters.
Contact us at

The Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust (OART) is a registered charity (No: 1082447) formed in 2011 from the amalgamation of two long-standing local organisations, the River Adur Conservation Society and Sussex Ouse Conservation Society.